
Vendup is a fictional vending machine company I created that offers college students quick access to nutritious meals that can be ordered beforehand through the Vendup app.

For this project, I was required to identify a problem faced by college students and create a brand that solves that problem while creating and designing its brand identity.

The Problem

Many college students with busy schedules find themselves unable to prepare or get nutritious meals due to time-crunches.

The Solution and Core Purpose of Vendup

To provide the busy with quick, convenient, and nutritious food options without sacrificing authencity.

Vendup Cards and App
Vendup Business Cards
Vendup Products & Services Slide 1
Vendup Products & Services Slide 2
Vendup Products & Services Slide 3
Vendup Products & Services Slide 3
Vendup App
Holding Vendup App & Food
Vendup Business Cards & App
Vendup Ads